FAQ & Policies

Returns & Exchanges

All sales are final. Due to the handmade nature of all items, we do not accept refunds or exchanges at this time. Please carefully review product listings and contact us if you have any questions to be sure you'll be happy with your purchase.

Loss, Damage & Theft

All orders are thoughtfully packaged to reach you in perfect condition. NPOMME is not liable for any loss, damage or theft once orders have been processed through the postal service.

Processing & Shipping

Please allow 1-2 business days to process and ship your order. All orders are shipped from France through La Poste. We offer standard shipping rates, so please get in touch if you would like expedited options. Customers are always responsible for any added customs fees.

Collabs, Stockists, Stylist Pulls

We'd love to hear from you - please write to us at hi@npomme.com if you're interested in working together.

Have another question or issue with your order?

Write to us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!